Move Quickly to Handle Brown Planthopper Attacks

Jakarta (11/8) – Entering the dry season, the Brown Planthopper (WBC) pest attacks several national rice production centers. Minister of Agriculture Andi Amran Sulaiman long ago instructed the pest control team within the Ministry of Agriculture to coordinate with local governments to carry out controls so that WBC attacks do not spread. Even though planthopper pest attacks are not yet a major threat, Amran still asks his staff to remain alert and move swiftly to deal with WBC problems in the field.

Based on data from the Directorate General of Food Crops, Ministry of Agriculture, which was processed from observations by internal parties and Plant Pest Organism Control (POPT) officers in the regions, the total area of land affected by planthopper pests from January to July was 67,749 hectares. Meanwhile, puso (crop failure) caused by leafhoppers covers an area of 746.71 hectares. “The area of land attacked is very small compared to the total area of land in Indonesia. But control of even small WBC pest attacks must be done early to anticipate widespread outbreaks of pest attacks so that there is no turmoil that could reduce national rice production. “For this reason, tips for managing rice planting in the field need to be implemented,” said Amran.

To prevent WBC attacks from becoming more widespread, Amran asked his staff to make various efforts to increase the production of resistant varieties, ecological and reagroecosystem engineering, as well as implementing biointensive IPM to accelerate the expansion of Integrated Crop Management. “I have ordered all POPT work units to move. Agricultural centers in the regions immediately coordinated with the local government to look for spots in areas affected by leafhoppers. “I ask that areas affected by leafhoppers be monitored every day and reported immediately, God willing, it will be resolved soon,” said Amran.

The central government’s quick action in anticipating the WBC attack was appreciated by regional governments, including the Purbalingga Regency Government, Central Java. Head of the Purbalingga Agriculture Service, Lily Purwati, praised the various efforts made by all parties so that the planthopper attack in Purbalingga was able to be controlled. The attack, which initially reached 150 hectares of the total plantation area of 15 thousand hectares, is now down to 95 hectares. “This success cannot be separated from the strong collaboration between the regional government together with the Agricultural Research and Development Agency of the Ministry of Agriculture, Jenderal Soedirman University, TNI, and Extension Officers,” said Lily.

This form of collaboration with the Agricultural Research and Development Agency is manifested in the application of technology. The Agricultural Research and Development Agency has brought in Bioprotector technology, Bio Decomposer, and the Jarwo Super garden system. “The technology brought by the Agricultural Research and Development Agency is quite effective in controlling planthoppers,” added Lily.


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