10,563 Hectares of Corn in NTT Attacked by Armyworms

Wakil Bupati Flores Timur, Agus Payong Boli sedang memeriksa hama ulat grayak yang menyerang tanaman jagung di Flores Timur.

Kupang (ANTARA) – More than 10,563 hectares of the 680,696 hectares of corn planted by farmers in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Province were reportedly attacked by armyworm pests (Spodoptera frugiperda).

Apart from that, 213,899.62 hectares of corn plants are in the category of being threatened by pest attacks, said the Head of the NTT Provincial Agriculture and Food Security Service, Jhon Oktovianus, in Kupang, Thursday.

He stated this in connection with the results of data collection carried out by the Department of Agriculture and Food Security regarding farmers’ corn plantation areas that were attacked by armyworm pests.

The armyworm pest is a new pest from the United States or with the name fall armyworm (FAW). This pest appears when the rainfall is short and the heat is very long.

“The government is currently collecting data on corn plants attacked by armyworm pests, and as of February 11 2020, 10,563.20 ha of corn plants have been recorded as being attacked by caterpillars,” he said.

Jhon Oktovianus said that the farmers’ corn crop areas that were attacked by armyworm pests were spread across 16 districts in the island-based province.

The districts that were targeted by the pest attacks were Kupang, North Central Timor, South Central Timor and Belu. Apart from Sabu Raijua, Ende, Ngada, Nagekeo, Sikka, East Flores, Lembata, West Manggarai, East Manggarai, Southwest Sumba, Central Sumba and East Sumba.

Only the districts of Alor, Manggarai, Rote Ndao, Malaka and Kupang City have not had any reports.

According to him, the area of corn plants most frequently attacked by armyworm pests is East Flores Regency, reaching 4,585 hectares. Followed by Sikka Regency with an area of 2,121 hectares and Lembata Regency with an area of 1,908 hectares.


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