Biotis Mainstay Farmer

Biotis Andalan Farmers is a forum for communication and education between PT. Biotis Agrindo as a producer and its assisted farmers as users with the aim of building and fostering a mutually beneficial partnership pattern between the Company and Farmers.

The forum which was formed at the end of 2011 was nothing more than a concrete manifestation of PT’s active participation. Biotis Agrindo in agricultural development to achieve food self-sufficiency and food security as planned by the Indonesian government. Because through this platform it is hoped that farmers will increase their ability to increase production through 6 things, namely: product, target, dose/concentration, quality, time and tools through an effective and efficient communication/education system. Educational programs are carried out with direct guidance in the field or two-way consultations via the SMS Broadcast Center.

With the education program, it is hoped that farmers will use pesticides wisely and correctly so that their impact on the environment can be minimized. And recognize the characteristics of the company’s original products so that farmers are not fooled into using fake products which are currently common on the market.

The use of SMS center media as a two-way consultation tool is expected to help provide important information needed by farmers such as weather, pest attacks and so on and also to immediately respond and assist farmers in resolving the problems they face.

In a relatively short time, members of Biotis Assisted Farmers have spread across Indonesian agricultural areas such as: Lampung, South Sumatra, Banten, West Java, Central Java, East Java and Sulawesi.

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