MPTHI XII National Meeting

MPTHI is a communication and information forum for a network of plant and animal protection stakeholders in Indonesia, with the aim of increasing the dignity of Indonesian farmers and agriculture.

In 2014, the XII MPTHI National Meeting was held on 9 – 11 September 2014 in Solo, Central Java. The Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo and the Minister of Agriculture, represented by the Deputy Minister of Agriculture, DR Rusman Heriawan, were pleased to give a speech and officially open the MPTHI XII National Meeting.

PT BIOTIS AGRINDO as one of the leading national companies in the field of agricultural chemicals and agricultural production facilities participated in the MPTHI XII National Meeting. In accordance with the theme, “The Role of MPTHI in Sustainable Agricultural Development for Food Sovereignty and Farmer Welfare”, PT BIOTIS AGRINDO carries products such as: BENPRIMA, BIOMAX and MACROSTAR.

BENPRIMA is a Biological Fertilizing Bacteria, Seed Treatment Bacteria and PRIMA Quality. BIOMAX is Liquid Silica Fertilizer which is a mainstay of Japanese Farmers while MACROSTAR is NPK 16 : 16 : 16 Fertilizer which functions to Improve the Quality and Quantity of HARVEST PRODUCTS.

At this event, the Deputy Minister of Agriculture, DR Rusman Heriawan, was pleased to visit the PT BIOTIS AGRINDO stand and received a direct explanation from the RnD Manager of PT BIOTIS AGRINDO, Rusmanto.

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